Fotos: Alîn Gabriel, Johann Karl, Linda Kerstein, Elvira Kolerova, Alice Palchetti, Loris Rizzo, Jonathan Sachs, Kyriakos Tarassidis und Richard Wohlfarth
Kachelbilder: Alîn Gabriel, Linda Kerstein
Graduating Exhibition #27
Students of Eva Bertram and Eva Maria Ocherbauer
Opening: Saturday, 18 September 2020, 7pm
Exhibition: 19 September to 25 October 2020
Gallery opening times: Thursday to Sunday, 1 to 6pm
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Alîn Gabriel, Johann Karl, Linda Kerstein, Elvira Kolerova, Alice Palchetti, Loris Rizzo, Jonathan Sachs, Kyriakos Tarassidis und Richard Wohlfarth
Utopia, dystopia… atopia!
In their graduating exhibition, our nine students do not tackle extremes but rather look at the indescribable “in between”, the ungraspable, that which cannot be located. Their works deal with the overlapping of time, intrinsic to certain places, with photography and film as means of capturing immediacy, circumstances, and the ephemeral.
We are being sensitized for the ordinary of everyday life in the city, prompted to question the authenticity of contemporary rituals and to imagine for a moment the desire to invigorate a pale, post-apocalyptic universe with new colors.
The idea of mise-en-scene, our imagination and the uncanny are common threads running throughout the show. How much discomfort can images still create today? Are there intergalactic intersections between plastic and fashion? And what happens in our minds if amorphous structures transform into projection screens and their substance dissolves?
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Photos: Richard Wohlfarth
Richard Wohlfarth
(ancient greek para, “beside, alongside, instead [of]”) and the noun eidōlon “image, form, shape”)
Stones are the most primal living things on this planet. They don’t just form the backwheel of our earth. Inhabited and adored by our ancestors, they still stand in the shadow of old myths and legends. Born in fire, deformed by the collision of continents and hollowed out by water and ice. If water hits the surface of stone, it scars gaping wounds. Captured on black and white film, these landscapes become subjective visual worlds, where the meaning takes place on an individual level of interpretation.

Photo: Ben Chislett
About Richard Wohlfarth
I grew up in Schöneiche near Berlin. While the big city’s temptation with its gloomy club scene and the 4/4 beat of electronic music drives me, nature is my haven. Pure light and raw sounds create pictures in me. I question the filter behind our eyes and the laws of our cosmos by using black and white photography, riddling reality and capturing subtlety. The transcendent, the dissolution of the ego to the cosmos, is the focal point of my artistic work. In 2019 I founded esc. kollektiv with Alin Gabriel and as a DJ I call various collectives in Berlin my second home.
Fotos: Kyriakos Tarassidis
Kyriakos Tarassidis
The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confessthe secrets of the heart. ~ Saint Jerome

Foto: Ben Chislett
Über Kyriakos Tarassidis
I focus solely on analog photography, trying to assimilate thetransformation of shapes and bodies while focusing on moments ofuncertainty and incredulity.