Photos: Shari Annabell Marks, Adèle Simon, Gaspard Moya, Sabrina Radeck, soso, Emma Thoenes, Tina Wessel
#30 auf|brüche
Graduates’ exhibition #30, supervised by Eva Bertram
Opening: Friday, 19 November 2021, 7pm
Duration: 20 November 2021 to 23 January 2022
If you spell the German word auf|brüche out loud like a toast, full of fervency, passion and straight from your heart, the word can cover a multitude of meanings: from tear to fracture, start to departure, awakening to break (up). Imagine yourself with a full glas in your hand and cheering to your counterparts: “To breaks!” in a happy manner. And everybody claps and cheers. As painful as breaks may be, they bear movement, possibilities, new beginnings and departures. All that can be celebrated and valued – or at least be welcomed.
Nothing is ready. We have reached a break. Everything is possible: Cheers to those breaks, cheers to auf|brüche!