
Dr. Stefanie Stallschus

Stefanie Stallschus is an art historian and works as a freelance lecturer and author. Fascinated by conceptual art and the exploration of images as a means of constructing processes of understanding, she wrote her thesis on the Canadian media artist Michael Snow.

After freelance work for various exhibition houses and in the film sector, she worked from 2005 to 2012 as a research assistant at the Art Academy for Media in Cologne. In 2010 she completed her doctorate with a thesis on the use of film and photography in European and American Pop Art, focsing on intermedia image practice and the political discourse in the emancipatory use of mass media in the 1960s.

“Photographic images are meaningful not because they reproduce the world, but because they construct reality.”

Between 2013 and 2018 she was a research assistant at the Institute for Art Research at the Technical University of Berlin. Since then she has lectured at the Zurich University of the Arts and at the University of Zurich. She is currently working on a history of night photography, which significantly influenced the myth of the metropolises and is becoming relevant again in the debate about the future of cities.

Her teaching is based on a cultural-scientific understanding of photography. Above all, she wants to raise awareness of the effect of photographic images in relation to the visual cultures of the past and present. Her focus areas include strategies of visual storytelling, provocative images, gender perspectives and forms of presentation in photography. It relies on activating teaching and working methods in order to promote critical examination of photographic positions and an understanding of the concept.

More information on her webseite.

Selected Publications

Stefanie Stallschus: Unterwegs im Helldunkel der Städte/Out and About in the Urban Chiaroscuro, in: Im Licht der Nacht/In the Spotlight of the Night, Ausst.-Kat. KAI 10 Arthena Foundation Düsseldorf und Marta Herford 2019/20, Köln: Wienand, 2019, S. 125-132.

Stefanie Stallschus: Im Studio oder Das leere Intervall, das auf ewig durch die Zeit schlüpft/In the studio or The void interval slipping forever through time, in: Peter Zimmermann. Paint it, Ausst.-Kat. Galerie Sindelfingen 2019, S. 56-61.

Stefanie Stallschus: Poetic Metaphor. Paolozzi’s Animated Films and Their Relation to Wittgenstein, in: Luigi Perissinoto, Diego Mantoan (Hg.), Paolozzi and Wittgenstein. The Artist and the Philosopher, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer, 2019, S. 109-123.

Stefanie Stallschus: Bei Einbruch der Dunkelheit. Eine umfangreiche Ausstellung im Museum of London widmet sich dem Mythos der Großstadtnacht, in: Rundbrief Fotografie, Vol. 25, 2018, Nr. 4, S. 49-56.

Stefanie Stallschus: Thomas Ruff, in: Julia Höner/Kerstin Schankweiler (Hg.), Affect Me. Social Media Images in Art, Ausst.-Kat. KAI 10 Arthena Foundation Düsseldorf 2017, Leipzig: Spector Books, 2017, S. 158-163.

Stefanie Stallschus: Fremde Farben. Zum Traumwissen der Bildkünste, in: dies., Bernd Ternes (Hg.): Bild, Kunst, Medien. Resonanzen auf das Denken von Hans Ulrich Reck, Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag, 2018, S. 145-152.

Stefanie Stallschus: Rezension von Hans Danuser / Bettina Gockel (Hgg.): Neuerfindung der Fotografie. Hans Danuser – Gespräche, Materialien, Analysen, Berlin: de Gruyter 2014, in: sehepunkte 16 (2016), Nr. 3 [15.03.2016].

Stefanie Stallschus: Im Zwischenraum der Bilder. Der Film als Experimentalfeld der Pop Art, Diss. Freie Universität Berlin, München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2016 (Berliner Schriften zur Kunst).

Sarah Maupeu, Kerstin Schankweiler, Stefanie Stallschus (Hg.): Im Maschenwerk der Kunstgeschichte. Eine Revision von George Kublers The Shape of Time, Berlin: Kadmos, 2014.

Stefanie Stallschus: A Theory of Experimentation in Art? Reading Kubler’s History of Art after Rheinberger’s Experimental Systems, in: Michael Schwab (Hg.): Experimental Systems. Future Knowledge in Artistic Research, Leuven: University Press, 2013, S. 15-25.

Stefanie Stallschus: Visuelle Dekonstruktionen von Gewaltdarstellungen in der Kunst der 1960er Jahre, in: Anna Pawlak/ Kerstin Schankweiler (Hg.): Ästhetik der Gewalt – Gewalt der Ästhetik, Weimar: VDG, 2012, (Schriften der Guernica-Gesellschaft, Bd. 19), S. 93-105.

Lasse Scherffig, Stefanie Stallschus, Urs Fries: How to understand… light drawing?, in: Off Topic. Zeitschrift für Medienkunst, Nr. 3: Unterbrechen – Wiederholen, Köln: KHM 2011, S. 98-102.

Stefanie Stallschus: Performance & Associates. Körpersehen mit verteilten Rollen, Köln: Strzelecki Books, 2010, (Avantgarde, Experiment & Underground 5).

Lasse Scherffig, Stefanie Stallschus, Urs Fries: How to understand… photosynth?, in: Carmen MacWilliams/ Martin Rumori/ Lasse Scherffig (Hg.): Off Topic. Zeitschrift für Medienkunst, Nr. 1: Aufräumen, Köln: KHM 2009, S. 100-103.

Lasse Scherffig, Stefanie Stallschus, Urs Fries: How to understand… seam carving?, in: Off Topic. Zeitschrift für Medienkunst, Nr. 0: Übersetzen, Köln: KHM 2008, S. 94-97.

Christiane König, Susanna Schoenberg, Stefanie Stallschus (Hg.): Off Topic. Zeitschrift für Medienkunst, Nr. 0: Übersetzen, Köln: KHM 2008.