Photos: Sabrina Radeck, Eun Sun Cho, Jakob Wierzba, Johann Karl, Thilo Mokros, Linda Kerstein, Caro Lenhart
GIFT – Field Experiments in Agriculture and Biodiversity
Participants: Eun Sun Cho, Johann Karl, Linda Kerstein, Caro Lenhart, Thilo Mokros, Sabrina Radeck, Jakob Wierzba
Artistic Supervision and Curation: Eva Bertram
Project Coordination: Ines Meier
Touring exhibition by Neue Schule für Fotografie in Cooperation with Heinrich Böll Foundation, World Food Institute, Grün Berlin, GLS Treuhand, Hahnemühle, Berlin State Agency for Civic Education, and Brodowin eco-village.
„Gift“ originally meant „the given“ or „the gift“ in Old High German, before the meaning changed to „deadly gift.“ The title of the exhibition, which deals artistically and documentarily with the themes of agriculture and biodiversity, refers to biological diversity as a gift that is passed on from generation to generation – and at the same time also to the acute threat to our livelihood.
In the Anthropocene era, humans have become one of the most important factors influencing biological, geological and atmospheric processes on Earth. Yet the multitude of images transported worldwide through the media to convey the themes of agriculture and biodiversity revolve around a few simple and obvious motifs, which are repeated in variations and now seem clichéd and worn out.
The aim of the exhibition project „GIFT – Field Experiments in Agriculture and Biodiversity“ is to break this visual cycle. To this end, students and alumni of the Neue Schule für Fotografie Berlin have developed new and surprising perspectives on these topics based on an intensive exploration of content and visuals.
Contact: Ines Meier, Projektkoordinatorin Neue Schule für Fotografie,
Dossier (brief overview, PDF, 4 MB)
Exhibition Venues
March 14 – April 8 2022, Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Bio-economy Potsdam
May 20 – October 31 2022, 15. Environmental Photography Festival „horizonte“, Zingst
October 16-19 2022, „Silent Springs: Global Histories of Pesticides and our Toxic World“, Conference by Rachel Carson Center, Akademie Schloss Tutzing
March 3-31 2023, European Month of Photography – EMOP Berlin, Heinrich Böll Foundation Berlin
May 5- June 25 2023, Federal Environmental Agency Dessau