
Photo: Ben Chislett

Crossing Compasses

A photographic exchange project between the Yaba College of Technology, Lagos in Nigeria and the New School of Photography, initiated and curated by our lecturer Eva Maria Ocherbauer. In 2012, six students from each school got the opportunity to get to know the “foreign” country, to capture it with the help of the camera and thus to demythify it. The goal of Crossing Compasses was to break down traditional prejudices and change perspectives by showing characteristics of each foreign country, far from the distant stereotypes.

Photo: Zorana Musikic

The results of this work process were published in an exhibition during the “Lagos Photographie Festival” at the Goethe-Institut Lagos, and afterwards as part of the “Month of Photography” in the gallery of the New School of Photography.

Further Informationen can be found hier or on Facebook.

Dokumentation of exhibition at Goethe-Instituts in Lagos (Photo: Eva Maria Ocherbauer)

Tile Image: Zorana Musikic